About Heidi

Photo of Heidi Phelps, artist and illustrator in Washington, DC.

Heidi Phelps is a fine artist, illustrator, and storyteller in Washington, DC. From drawing and screen printing women-centered narratives from life and lore, to reading Goodnight Moon to her toddler for the millionth time, she firmly believes in the power of a good, compelling story to connect with audiences in meaningful ways.

Her diverse list of artistic influences include Aubrey Beardsley, Erté and Edward Gorey, Victorian-era mourning costumes and memento mori, vintage sewing patterns, stark and stylized illustrators and graphic designers from the 1950s and 1960s (Andy Warhol, Marimekko, M. Sasek, Paul Rand), Grimm’s fairy tales, Salvador Dali’s Alice in Wonderland sketches, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Frida Kahlo and Marjane Satrapi.

Heidi’s illustrations have been archived by the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C., and published worldwide by Rockpool Publishing, in partnership with Simon & Schuster. When she’s not drawing (and often when she is), Heidi is spending time with her husband, Erdem; their daughter, Leyla; and her two cats, Daisy and Eddie. Her favorite cities in the world are Paris and Istanbul.

Download Heidi’s artist CV here.